We gather our information through multiple websites, sources, and other reliable platforms. In general, we do not take any responsibility for providing the rightful data as we do go for a cross-check. In the same manner, if any person applies to the information posted on the website for each particular product, it’s their sole responsibility to deal with the aftereffects. 

General Purpose Information: 

The information available on this site is only provided for general guidance against the harmful use of the drug. Furthermore, it is not mean to be use in place of some other medicine that your Doctor prescribes. One must not use the medicine to treat problems on their own as it can be extremely harmful. Even if you face similar issues recommended as the on-label treatment of the medicine, you need to acquire a prescription from the Doctor. 

We do not provide Healthcare Advice:

While we inform about the medicine and its usage, we do not guide information in place of a professional health advisor. For those who are less aware of how harmful a medicine can be, they need assistance from a doctor. 

In the recent reports, it’s mentioned how many times a potent substance has tended to cause serious issues in patients. Most of the time, the cases were due to negligence or abuse of a powerful substance. Similarly, we would request our customers to kindly use the medicine as per the prescription of the Doctor. 

Your Doctor may assist you in the following steps –

  • Manage your medication and its suitable drug volume 
  • Guide you through the proper intake of opioids and benzos 
  • Prescribe you the proper dose of the medicine as per various factors
  • Save money by prescribing you the generic dose of brand medicine 

Lack of Responsibility and Liability: 

Though we try and keep track of all the meds that we sell online, yet we do not take any responsibility for their safe intake. We also do not have any direct contact with the manufacturers as the products are here through other mediums. Lastly, the FDA approves the use of these medications, but it also comes along with a set of guidelines to follow. 

Alongside, we do not encourage moving on to third-party sites as they can be involved in online thefts. If there is an operational breach of the site, we need to display the customers’ personal information to the authorities. 

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